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Changes to Entitlements for Blue Badges

There have been some changes in the 2022 Code of Practice issued by Transport Scotland, who are responsible for the rules around implementing the Blue Badge Scheme. The changes mean that people who automatically qualified for Blue Badges because they were registered as sight impaired (partially sighted) will no longer automatically qualify for the Blue Badge. If you are registered as sight impaired (partially sighted) you will now need to fully complete the section on the form about mobility, and you may have to be assessed by an Occupational Therapist (OT). This means the process for getting your Blue Badge may take longer. Please get in touch with the Fieldwork Team (social worker, rehab worker or fieldwork assistant) if your Blue Badge is due to be renewed soon, and we will continue to support you with your application. If you are registered as Severely Sight Impaired (previously known as blind) you will still automatically be entitled to a Blue Badge when you apply.

If you need any help with your Blue Badge, please get in touch.

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