
a group of four older people, two men and two women, sit in a cafe chatting

Dementia and Sensory Loss

Dementia and Sensory Loss training returns

With the ongoing return to the “new normal,” NESS (Northeast Sensory Services) and Alzheimer Scotland have been working together again to review and redeliver the Dementia and Sensory Loss training. Delivered before the pandemic with enormous success, this innovative training looks at the links between dementia, sight loss and hearing loss, and explores some of the barriers that living with dementia and sight and/or hearing loss presents, while encouraging participants to consider what they can do to better support someone with dementia and sensory loss.

Libby Hillhouse, Training and Information Officer at NESS, said, “Many people with dementia are also living with sight and/or hearing loss, and dementia and sensory loss can compound the effects of each other. We hope this training will raise awareness of how to better support someone living with dementia and sensory loss”.

Lesley Gray, Dementia Adviser in Aberdeen said, “So many people that we support at the Dementia Resource Centre are also affected by sight and/or hearing loss, and it’s vital that those of us working with older people are aware of the impact of both so we can best support those living with dementia, sight and/or hearing loss.”

The training has been reviewed and updated since it was last delivered in 2019. It will be delivered online in small groups to enable communication and interaction, with the intention of trying face-to-face training in the future.

The first session will take place on Microsoft Teams, on Monday 19th September from 1.30-3.30pm. You can book your place by completing the booking form (opens in a new window).

The training is entirely funded by the Aberdeen See Hear Strategy Fund and is therefore only available to people who live or work in Aberdeen City. It is suitable for anyone working in a public facing role particularly if working with older people.

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