An independent club for Deaf people in Aberdeen. Meets every second Saturday afternoon from 1.00 - 5.00pm at John Street. British Sign Language (BSL) is used at this club. Hearing people who use BSL and learners are also welcome.
NESS supports and / or hosts a wide range of clubs and groups which bring people together. Many are delivered by the members themselves, some with the assistance of NESS’ volunteers.
An independent club for Deaf people in Aberdeen. Meets every second Saturday afternoon from 1.00 - 5.00pm at John Street. British Sign Language (BSL) is used at this club. Hearing people who use BSL and learners are also welcome.
A peer-led support group for anyone with Macular Degeneration. This group is associated with the Macular Society and meets at John Street on the third Friday of the month at 10.30. Contact the Macular Society ( for updates and further information.
An independent social club for Deaf senior citizens. British Sign Language (BSL) is used at this club. Meets at NESS John Street every Thursday from 1.30pm - 3.30pm.
A chance for the men to meet up and put the world to rights. Thursday mornings 9.30 - 12.30 at John Street
Making the most of theatre shows with special access features for blind and partially sighted audience members, this group meets to attend theatre performances: usually Saturday afternoon matinee features at his Majesty’s Theatre in Aberdeen.