
Young woman with white shirt in bottom left hand corner with hands raised. a number of speech bubbles surround her saying Deaf, deafblind, deafended, registered sight impaired, registered severely sight impaired, hard of hearing, experiencing severe sight loss, NESS supports people living with serious sight and/or hearing loss to overcome practical and emotional challenges and achieve independence

NESS Launches New Six Year Strategy

We are delighted to be launching our new six-year strategy, which will take us through to a major milestone, our 150th anniversary.

This strategy provides a direction of travel to help the organisation navigate future opportunities and challenges. Through consultation with our stakeholders, NESS has identified a number of actions that will continue to help the organisation ensure that it is delivering our mission of achieving independence for blind and deaf people. Throughout the document, at the foot of each page, we have highlighted key milestones in the organisation’s growth since 1879. All of these developments have contributed to our current success and will continue to underpin the future evolution of the organisation as we head towards our 150th anniversary.

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