
Double decker bus driving along road with glass fronted office building in background

“Swap with Me” Events with First Bus

NESS has been working with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) and First Bus to help host “Swap with Me” events. These are small, informal get-togethers with blind and partially sighted bus users and local bus drivers in Aberdeen. The idea is to share experiences of using the bus when you are visually impaired, and to hear from bus drivers some of the issues they have to deal with.

Usually only involving three or four bus drivers and three or four blind or partially sighted people, these sessions have really helped bus drivers have a better understanding of the difficulties that blind or partially sighted passengers have experienced, and discussions have highlighted simple ways that bus drivers can support passengers.
The plan is to organise some more of these events in the coming year, with two dates having been identified and we are looking for blind or partially sighted bus users to come along and take part
in the events to share your experiences.

The dates are Friday 14th June 2024 from 10.30am-12.30pm and Friday 11th October from 10.30-12.30pm at the FirstBus depot on King Street, Aberdeen.

Please get in touch with Libby Hillhouse, Training and Information Officer at NESS, by phoning NESS or emailing Libby on, if you would like to find out more and get involved in future events, and keep an eye out on our social media, website and at John Street for information about future events.

Published 28th May 2024

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